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Friday, May 19, 2023

Why Vegetarianism Can Be Dangerous to Your Health - Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez wrote a movie critique of Forks Over Knives and explains why he believes that vegetarianism can be dangerous to your health.

[Dr Nicholas Gonzales was a brilliant physician, he for example cured so called 'incurable' patients of various illnesses, for example pancreatic cancer. He had cancer patients living cancer free, some for 30 years plus.] 

[Meat and diary is not the problem, TOXIC meat, diary etc is the problem!] 

[Excerpts from article linked above]

 The thesis that there is something inherently poisonous in animal fat and protein is preposterous; lions and tigers in nature eat nothing but fatty red meat, and never get heart disease or cancer. Any zookeeper knows that such carnivores must be fed good quality, raw meat to survive – on a plant diet they are dead within six weeks.

 The traditional Masai in Africa consumed up to a gallon of raw milk daily, with blood and some milk, but never a vegetable, fruit, nut, seed, or grain. Dr. George Mann of Vanderbilt University studied these people, and found that despite a saturated fat intake of 70%, they had no heart disease, no diabetes, and no cancer, even in the eldest of the tribe. Their cholesterol levels were perfect and their arteries clear.

 The high Swiss mountain herders studied by Price 80 years ago subsisted on a diet of nutrient dense whole grain bread and huge amounts of cheeses, raw milk, and other dairy products. They are known to be extraordinarily healthy, with no heart disease, cancer, or diabetes.



Thursday, May 11, 2023

Ex-Pfizer VP: COVID vax push a ‘supranational operation’ intended to ‘maim and kill deliberately’

‘Multiple obvious toxicities were deliberately built into [the alleged vaccines’] designs, with the result that there would be high expectations of blood clots, autoimmune attacks and cytokine storms all over the body, depending on where it went in a given individual,’ Dr. Michael Yeadon told LifeSiteNews.

 Now, “the injuries to people from these so-called vaccines” is “something much worse than an alleged virus,” Yeadon affirmed. Furthermore, “I wish I could say that it was accidental, but it wasn’t accidental.”

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Deprogramming from our mindsets about cancer – there are cures they don’t want us to know about! 


Stanislaw R. Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D. graduated with honors from Medical Academy in Lublin, Poland and received his M.D. degree in 1967. Subsequently, in 1968 he earned his Ph.D. in biochemistry. He did his internship and residency from 1967 to 1970. From October 1970 to 1977 he was employed by Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, initially as a Research Associate and later as Assistant Professor.

While at Baylor, Dr. Burzynski’s research was sponsored and partially funded by the National Cancer Institute. Doctors associated with M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center also cooperated in this research.

On July 1, 1977, Dr. Burzynski resigned from Baylor College of Medicine and established Burzynski Research Laboratories. Over a number of years the company expanded to Burzynski Research Institute, Burzynski Clinic, and Pharmaceutical Plant. Dr. Burzynski serves as the President, Chairman of the Board of the Institute, and is the owner of the clinic and pharmaceutical plant.

Dr. Burzynski is the discoverer of antineoplastons, which are components of a complex biochemical defense system against cancer. He is also the discoverer of new treatments for cancer, viral infections including AIDS, autoimmune diseases, Parkinson’s disease, neurofibromatosis, and restenosis. Among his contributions are 242 patents, and over 300 scientific publications. He is a member of numerous professional organizations, recipient of over 20 international awards, and carries the hereditary title of Count.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

There is a lot to unpack from this interview with Annie Jocobsen

Annie Jacobsen is an American investigative journalist, author and 2016 Pulitzer Prize finalist in history. Her latest book "Surprise, Kill, Vanish: The Secret History of CIA Paramilitary Armies, Operators, and Assassins".

[This interview was about 3 years ago. Not that I think all of it is accurate or true (i.e. moon landing??) but so much of this information have been verified (i.e. Operation Paperclip). But it is NEVER taught in schools or widely talked about in mainstream media.]

Here are some clips on youtube to see some of what was discussed in the interview. The link above is audio only.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Vegetarianism explained w/ Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (NOT healthy??) Wise Traditions podcast #109

Vegetarianism and veganism are becoming more and more popular with each passing day. You walk into a bookstore and the cooking section is overflowing with vegan cookbooks; restaurants all around have vegan options because of the high demand. Word of mouth is that we should all go vegan to be truly healthy, and that animal foods are bad for us. But is a vegetarian diet really a good idea? What are its strengths and drawbacks? Is vegetarianism better for the planet? What does science have to say about all of this? And, more importantly, what does nature have to say about it? 

In today’s episode, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of “Gut and Psychology Syndrome,” offers a fresh look at vegetarianism. She provides up-to-date scientific information about how plant and animal foods work in the human body and how we can eat to thrive. She dives into a variety of topics including agriculture, soil degradation, the power of plants to detox our bodies, and how to be a healthy vegetarian!


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Died Suddenly - DOCUMENTARY 2022

UPDATE: This documentary used a lot of special effects to exaggerate what has happened and continues to happen. This only serves to DISCREDIT the truth.

[Do NOT watch if you DO NOT want to know. This is not a political documentary. By now everyone knows someone who has "died suddenly", and the cause is listed as "natural" or "unknown". Well the cause is known, and after you watch this, you will also know.]

World Premiere: Died Suddenly
Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

P.S. A high rate of unborn babies dying of heart attacks in the womb is NOT NORMAL!

Click the link below to view: