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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

There has always been a "war party" in American politics

There has always been a "war party" in American politics, that's just the way it is. One political party that expands the military (more new bases all over including 7 in Columbia; thousands of troops sent to Costa Rica .. look out Venezuela), one that expands killings by unmanned drones and gives the green light to exterminate at will, one that wants to bring back the DRAFT (check H.R. 5741), one that is fueling the military industrial complex and now wants war with Iran and Russia ... boy those Nobel Peace Prize Democrats! .. err, wait an minute, who?
Clinton was more of a fiscal conservative, Bush massively expanded government, so what's the difference between them again?? NOTHING! They have been on the SAME TEAM all along while keeping us divided and laughing at us the entire time because they think we are all so stupid. Pay attention to what they have done, especially look at what is hidden in those bills, those laws they have passed, then compared that to what they said. If all you do is take them at their word, that is how they have been getting away with it.

REALITY REPORT #55 - Obama Goes for the Gold

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Obama signs a bill that lets banks have US over a barrel once more


Some would call this guy a nut-job (actually I would as well) but there is something else to note here. He is calling for SUBMISSION! He is telling you not to FIGHT, not to RESIST, it's GOD'S WILL! And I'll wager then many other religious leaders will be doing the same.


Elucidation - Exposing the New World Order_chunk_1

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

If the "government" get their way and gets total control of the internet (they are already in the process of doing it), that is when we all will experience terror!
Think of the countries where the government has total control of the interent (hint - most of them communist), then ask yourself if that is what you want America to become? Oh you really think this is something to protect us?? Take a closer look at the real reason they want this -

"Provisions in the bill would allow the federal government, via the DHS and the NSA, to tap into ANY digital aspect of EVERY citizen’s information WITHOUT A WARRANT. Banking, business and medical records would be wide open to inspection, as well as personal instant message and e mail communications – all in the name of heading off cyber attacks on the nation."


Clinton: 'Principle Terrorist Threat to U.S. Emanates From Pakistan' (Fo...

OK so $1Billion+ of tax payer's money needs to go to Pakistan because "This is where the principle terrorist threat to the United States emanates from", not Iraq oops sorry Saddam (he was a maniac as he was trained to be by .. ??), but isn't Iran the biggest threat now? No? Are you sure we can't give them a $Billion too to fight the threat emanating from there? So the Mujaheddin are the biggest threat and they protect (and train) terrorist groups like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Yes these are very dangerous groups .. but who funded, trained, equipped with arms including stinger missiles, this Mujaheddin??? Yes this is old news but let Hillary remind us (about 3 minutes in).

REALITY REPORT #54 - Terrorism Pays Off

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Economic Hitmen

1.65 Million Properties Receive Foreclosure Filings in First Half of 2010

1.65 Million Properties Receive Foreclosure Filings in First Half of 2010

Backlash grows vs. full-body scanners

For now they say you can opt out of the full body scanners, but wait and see, eventually it's going to be mandatory. So what if they do? Do some research on these scanners to answer that question. (research the true radiation levels, what is a biometric scan, are they actually storing these naked scans of you, your children).

U.S. Home Seizures Rise 38% to Record as Banks Process Backlog

"Green shoots" my arse! I've been telling my friends especially the ones in California and Florida, not to fall for the hype ... 'we ain't seen nothing yet'.

Latino KKK?? say what now??

Latino KKK?? say what now?? ... if this wasn't serious you would be tempted to laugh. The stage has been set, the trap has been laid - 1st you create a highly charged issue - Arizona, immigration; 2nd you tell the American people that they cannot fly, wear, show their flag; 3rd you offer police protection to an organization like the Brown Berets, at the same time if you peacefully protest corrupt big business, corrupt big government, you get harassed, arrested usually with multiple strip searches, labelled a terrorist etc.
Stir all that (and more) in a pot, you get an explosion ... folks aren't you tired of being played??!!

Farrakhan Exposes the "Black Anti-Semite" Myth

Farrakhan on LeBron James and Jewish Control (July 11, 2010)

Monday, July 19, 2010

CIA out-of-control?

Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length

NSA run Google/YouTube has blocked this embedded video (not the owner) and now they want you to PAY TO WATCH IT! DO NOT PAY THEM!!!

Update July 20th - this video is now unblocked and free to watch.

Bob Chapman : The World Soccer Cup was given to Spain for political reasons | Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Blog

Bob Chapman : The World Soccer Cup was given to Spain for political reasons Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Blog

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

NSA run Google/YouTube has blocked this embedded video (not the owner) and now they want you to PAY TO WATCH IT! DO NOT PAY THEM!!!

Update July 20th - this video is now unblocked and free to watch.

Biden says no exit from Afghanistan

Bob Marley-Redemption Song-With Lyrics

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Senate Bill 1959 to Criminalize Thoughts, Blogs, Books and Free Speech Across America

Senate Bill 1959 to Criminalize Thoughts, Blogs, Books and Free Speech Across America

"Thought Crime" bill H.R.1955

The "Though Crime" bill H.R.1955 passed the House and was thought to have been stopped in the Senate (S.1959), but it's seems to be very much alive. This is a very dangerous bill that in simple terms could allow the gov't to take action against citizens that they THINK might become terrorists, AND it could also be used to classify anyone who has anything negative to say about the gov't as a terrorists.Is this real enough for you?

Ten Steps To Close Down an Open Society

School of the Americas

School of the Americas (SOA) - founded in 1946 and funded with your money. Other cute nicknames for this prestigious establishment are "School for Dictators", "School of Assassins", and "Nursery of Death Squads". It now has a fancy name - The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. (online article)

Katherine Albrecht: Spychips

RFID VeriChip Story on CBS 46, with Katherine Albrecht

BP stock shares dumped in weeks before spill by BP CEO, Goldman Sachs and Obama's Vanguard

BP stock shares dumped in weeks before spill by BP CEO, Goldman Sachs and Obama's Vanguard

1932, A True History of the United States

Friday, July 16, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Nutrients are Toxins? STOP Codex Alimentarius!

Aspartame, the quiet killer.

Aspartame, (aka NutraSweet, Equal, Canderel ... it has many disguises, err I mean names and blends like Acesulfame K etc etc), is good for us isn't it? I mean it's like heath food isn't it? After all the government (FDA) and corporations would never let greed and corruption send people to an early grave .. no way. It's not like after you get sick then the pharmaceutical companies also get rich, no way, nothing like that. We trust everything that the government and corporations tell us, they are our friends.

Equal, NutraSweet, and Canderel are ingredients of approximately 6,000 consumer foods and beverages sold worldwide, including (but not limited to) diet sodas and other soft drinks, instant breakfasts, breath mints, cereals, sugar-free chewing gum, cocoa mixes, frozen desserts, gelatin desserts, juices, laxatives, chewable vitamins supplements, ... See Moremilk drinks, pharmaceutical drugs and supplements, shake mixes, tabletop sweeteners, teas, instant coffees, topping mixes, wine coolers and yogurt. It is provided as a table condiment in some countries. Aspartame is less suitable for baking than other sweeteners, because it breaks down when heated and loses much of its sweetness. Aspartame is also one of the main sugar substitutes used by people with diabetes.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

30 Little Known Facts about America

I have no idea if all of these are true but some of them I know are. As for the ones concerning the Pope, maybe at one time that was the case but I don't believe the vatigan has that type of power now (though they do have a lot of power). The queen certainly does.

National Guard Helps Confiscate Guns in New York State

The Alex Jones Infowars Blog: The Alex Jones Show Wed 07.07.2010 (TV)

The Alex Jones Infowars Blog: The Alex Jones Show Wed 07.07.2010 (TV)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Secret of Oz - an award winning documentary

Who knew that there was a possible message, a warning even, hidden in the book The wonderful Wizard of Oz written in 1900 by author L. Frank Baum? This movie, The Secret of Oz, examines that and more importantly goes a long way in less than two hours to explain exactly why America is in or headed to a depression at this very moment.
This not only affect every American, it affect every single human being on planet earth. This is the history that every American should know but hardly any has a clue about including many with advanced degrees, because it's just not taught. This part of history was intentionally stricken from the history books.

Watch it, (I'll keep it here unless it's taken down or I'm forced to take it down), and pass on the info to everyone. The good thing about this movie is that it not only points out the bad (which now most of us know) but it explains how and why we got here AND gives very credible solutions.

My opinion - this is a MUST WATCH!

Also my opinion - this is not doom and gloom, yes many will suffer BUT others because they knew what was coming, what was happening, are going to do very well in the near future. It's all how we choose to REACT, it's the attitude we take, it will be bad but IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!

Think and Check

Below is the 4 minute trailer - 112mins

Thirteen years ago, Bill Still made a documentary called "The Money Masters", where he asked the question why is America going broke. Consider this the sequel. The Money Masters is a good documentary but the truth is most people won't take the time to sit and watch for nearly 3 1/2 hours, which is why this updated documentary is more effective.
If you like this film, please support the makers by purchasing an official DVD, by spreading the word about the movie, by making a donation on their web page, or by other means available to you. Thank you!

The Secret of Oz - see next post on this

*SEE THE POST AFTER THIS* - much better link for the movie.

I don't know how long this will be up but here is the full movie. It's an Asian site and it's slow loading but hit play and full screen and you won't see any of that (if it keeps sticking because it's slow to load just pause it for a while then come back and watch it). I'm sure pretty soon the full movie will be on youtube etc.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Alex talks with Bill Still, the man behind the monetary reform documentary The Secret of Oz

I watched The Money Masters, nearly 3 1/2 hours long, and if you want to get a good in depth understanding of how money works, how the banks work the this is one to watch.
Now Bill Still has a new film telling the story in a different format and much shorter, The Secret of Oz.

Could the World Cup be RIGGED?

Could the World Cup be RIGGED? Say it isn't so. What about a game or two? Listen to the recent interview below. Hm-mm ...

OK, I am not promoting Declan Hill or his book (which I have not read), but after THINKING about what I saw today I went looking.
Because I know just how pervasive corruption is in everything, why would I not suspect it in the biggest sporting venue in the world, especially after the Ghana vs Uruguay match today?! (This by the way would say a lot about why FIFA does not want replay in the game - think about that).
Mr. Hill has been lambasted by many because he has not shown the solid evidence for his accusations against, once again, Ghana fixing the outcome of their match against Brazil in the last World Cup, his detractors claim he is just trying to promote himself and his book ... perhaps but remember goal score differential is BIG business in gambling, so you might thinking well they couldn't beat Brazil,.. OK, but they could affect how badly they lost.
Anyway go back and watch this particular game and see if see what I saw - how many times did a Ghanaian player slide to tackle the ball and miss completely, or go to make a tackle and drop for no reason, or was on the attack and seemed to kick the ball away on purpose, or passed the ball almost directly to their opponents in a dangerous spot? But this is all a part of the game you say. True but go back and watch and tell me if it all looked 'natural' to you. I kept saying to myself what is Prince doing and why does he keep doing that? And there were others in the midfield doing the same things. What about that lackluster penalty shot that looked like a pass to the keeper during the shootout? .. remember not every member of the team needs to be in on fix.
I for one take nothing at face value, I question everything. THERE MAY VERY WELL BE NOTHING TO THIS, but there's no denying the corruption in football, sports in general. This, I think is worth looking into, or at the very least thinking about.
Now to all football (soccer) fans, I certainly do not want to ruin the game for you (ruin the way you look at the game), but if it is rigged then it has been ruined.

Think and Check

James Sharman Interview with Declan Hill (Full - Part 1)

The Video BP & Big Oil Don't Want You to See

Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO -- all exposed by Richard Gale and Gary Null

Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO -- all exposed by Richard Gale and Gary Null

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bob Chapman -John Stadtmiller - Robby Noel, Roundtable - June 29 2010 | Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Blog

Once a week this radio program runs about 2 hours (about 1.5 hrs without commercials), it's time well spent.

Bob Chapman -John Stadtmiller - Robby Noel, Roundtable - June 29 2010 | Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Blog

Gerald Celente: Doom of Currencies!

No, this is not the end of the world or end of America, just the end as we know it. For those who position themselves right it will actually be a time of great opportunity. (These are my thoughts).