Do you have any questions or concerns about the COVID-19 containment measures? Do you hesitate to don your mask, practice proper social distancing, or (eventually) roll up your sleeve for the experimental mRNA vaccine? Then you're a sociopath who needs to be dealt with, according to a team of researchers from Brazil. Join James as he explores this latest attempt to pathologize political dissent, the horrific history of the weaponization of psychology for political purposes, and what this tells us about the coming biosecurity paradigm.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
The Birth of the Cashless Society by James Corbett August 29, 2020
The Birth of the Cashless Society by James Corbett
August 29, 2020
As we all know by now, the entire corona crisis was and is an excuse for The Great Reset. And, as anyone who has followed the financial prognostication space for the past decade knows, "the great reset" has been used nearly interchangeably with "the global currency reset" to describe the collapse of the old dollar-centric Bretton Woods system and the rise of a new international monetary order.
Click the link below for full article.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Do NOT Send Your Children Back To School, Schools Are Not A Safe Place For Children Anymore.
Do NOT Send Your Children Back To School, Schools Are Not A Safe Place For Children Anymore.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
World Rising Up Against the Lockdowns As Protests Mount
World Rising Up Against the Lockdowns As Protests Mount
Welcome back to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
RFK and Ron Paul Discuss the CIA, Assassinations, Quarantines, and Vaccines
RFK and Ron Paul Discuss the CIA, Assassinations, Quarantines, and Vaccines
Click the link below.
Click the link below.
[You cannot say you have not been warned] - The Nondemic is Now an IQ Test - Max Igan
The Nondemic is Now an IQ Test - Max Igan
You cannot say you have not been warned.
- Have you been tested for Covid-19?
- Have you been taking regular flu shots?
If you answered YES to one or both of just those two questions then I strongly suggest you, at the very least, THINK about/consider the information (or call it opinions) in this fairly short video.
Do you agree with CENSORSHIP? Do you agree with the government, the media, people like Bill Gates that you are not intelligent enough to hear opposing views (facts) and decide for yourself?
There is no "do-overs" with this one, not this time, there is no coming back if you blindly go down the road which people are currently being led.
I wish you all good health, strength, power, and peace. ✊
You cannot say you have not been warned.
- Have you been tested for Covid-19?
- Have you been taking regular flu shots?
If you answered YES to one or both of just those two questions then I strongly suggest you, at the very least, THINK about/consider the information (or call it opinions) in this fairly short video.
Do you agree with CENSORSHIP? Do you agree with the government, the media, people like Bill Gates that you are not intelligent enough to hear opposing views (facts) and decide for yourself?
There is no "do-overs" with this one, not this time, there is no coming back if you blindly go down the road which people are currently being led.
I wish you all good health, strength, power, and peace. ✊
Jacksonville couple sees home appraisal jump 40 percent after they remove all traces of “Blackness”
Jacksonville couple sees home appraisal jump 40 percent after they remove all traces of “Blackness”
An Ortega couple whose home appraisal came in far below expectations "white washed" their home before a second appraisal and saw the estimated value jump 40 percent.
Click the link below for article.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Monday, August 24, 2020
'Virus' test revelations with David Icke and Andrew
'Virus' test revelations with David Icke and Andrew
Click on the link below for the video.
The history of Big Banks - built off slavery (5min 27sec video)
The banking industry was built off slavery (5min 27sec video)
When will it stop? Never. Talking, or protesting, or begging, or pleading will make no difference.
When will it stop? Never. Talking, or protesting, or begging, or pleading will make no difference. You cannot beg, or plead, or talk to institutionalized racism, they DON'T CARE! Could slaves try to "negotiate" with "their slave master", or any white person for that matter?
I can already tell you what these "fine officers" will say, they will say they were in fear for their lives, they thought he was going for a weapon etc etc, the usual story. In their mind black people need to be eliminated, that's their "job".
This man was only there to break up a fight. But once you call the police the black man is always going to be automatically viewed as the threat, as a criminal. And their long standing policy is if you do not INSTANTLY OBEY (just like back in slavery days) then they will murder you (he is reported as critical not dead .. yet).
And who cares about the trauma suffered by his three children who were in the car and witnessed this? No one! What is this going to do to them? How are they likely to be affected? What will they be like when they grow up?
Can anyone watch that video and say these cops would have done exactly the same thing had it been a white man? [I can show you many videos where white men have fought cops, punched them, even took their weapon, or pulled a weapon, and they just subdued him.]
Click on the link below for 2 minute video with sound.
Click the link below for article and video.
I can already tell you what these "fine officers" will say, they will say they were in fear for their lives, they thought he was going for a weapon etc etc, the usual story. In their mind black people need to be eliminated, that's their "job".
This man was only there to break up a fight. But once you call the police the black man is always going to be automatically viewed as the threat, as a criminal. And their long standing policy is if you do not INSTANTLY OBEY (just like back in slavery days) then they will murder you (he is reported as critical not dead .. yet).
And who cares about the trauma suffered by his three children who were in the car and witnessed this? No one! What is this going to do to them? How are they likely to be affected? What will they be like when they grow up?
Can anyone watch that video and say these cops would have done exactly the same thing had it been a white man? [I can show you many videos where white men have fought cops, punched them, even took their weapon, or pulled a weapon, and they just subdued him.]
Click on the link below for 2 minute video with sound.
Click the link below for article and video.
Video shows Wisconsin police shooting a Black man multiple times as he enters a car, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
What is the WHO? - Questions For Corbett
What is the WHO? - Questions For Corbett
489K subscribers
John writes in to ask about the founding, the funding and the true intentions of the World Health Organization. Join James as he lays out some of the information connecting the WHO to big pharma, Bill Gates and the Covid World Order agenda.
Exposed: YouTube, Google & Facebook Blatant Censorship Tactics
Exposed: YouTube, Google & Facebook Blatant Censorship Tactics
We share our direct experience, in a transparent manner, with censorship. When you cut the funding out of independent journalism, it becomes incredibly hard to survive. Big tech knows this, and they are working to shut down independent voices.
Help us beat censorship & support our work by becoming a member of CETV.
750 Million Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Are Being Released In Florida Despite Environmental Opposition
750 Million Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Are Being Released In Florida Despite Environmental Opposition
By B.N. Frank
Releasing these mosquitoes has been discussed for the last 5 years. It has been considered controversial from the start. Now it’s actually going to happen and comparing this to a “Jurassic Park experiment” doesn’t seem inappropriate.Click the link for full article.
Club Of Rome: Planetary Emergency Plan Declared
Club Of Rome: Planetary Emergency Plan Declared
Club of Rome was originally founded at a meeting in David Rockefeller’s house in Bellagio, Italy, and promoted alarmism over population growth. Its 1973 book, Limits to Growth, coincided with the creation of the Trilateral Commission, also by Rockefeller. They are still at it. This text is taken from the Club of Rome’s report, Planetary Emergency Plan: Securing a New Deal for People, Nature and Climate.
In that the Great Panic of 2020 (pandemic) is currently dominating the new cycle, don’t think for a minute that radical climate change alarmism has gone away. To the contrary, it is just waiting for the massive funding that will be sprung during the Great Reset. ⁃ Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick WoodClick the link below for full article.
Do this for 30 days, see what happens. - breathing exercise by Wim "The Iceman" Hof
Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing
[There is a reason why this has over 11 millions views just in the last 9 months or so.]
Be sure to watch the safety video first.
This Breathing Bubble is an audiovisual guide that helps you maintain rhythm and pace during your breathing sessions. Simply watch the bubble as it expands and contracts, and follow with your breath. You'll hear Wim breathe alongside you, and entrancing background sounds help tune out your surroundings, allowing you to focus on nothing but your breath.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The greatest wealth transfer in human history is happening right now.
The greatest wealth transfer in human history is happening right now.
.... and most of the population have no idea it's happening.
.... and most of the population have no idea it's happening.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Why Is Facebook Banning Users Who Share The “Plandemic” Movie? By Arjun WaliaCE Staff Writer
Why Is Facebook Banning Users Who Share The “Plandemic” Movie?
Arjun Walia
Arjun Walia

In Brief
- The Facts:Facebook has been banning users ability to share a film called Plandemic. YouTube, Twitter and Google have also heavily censored the film.
- Reflect On:Why
are people not allowed to see 'other' perspectives to determine what
information is true to them? Why does mainstream media have the power to
control mass perception and decide what is true and false?
Click on the link below for article.
Brain Rose of London Real interviews Mikki Willis Director Of "Plandemic" The Movie: Follow The Money & Connect The Dots Around The Vaccine Agenda
Director Of 'Plandemic: Indoctornation'
Mikki Willis is an American filmmaker, entrepreneur and director of the documentary “Plandemic”.He is the founder of movie production company Elevate Films, with the mission “utilize the power of the media in a positive way”.
In May, at the height of the pandemic, he published “Plandemic”, and a 26-minute interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits. Overnight the video went viral, and soon after was banned by technology platforms for questioning the mainstream narrative.
In his new movie, Plandemic: Indoctornation, Mikki explores the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. Plandemic II connects the dots between all forms of media, the medical industry, politics and the financial industry to unmask the major conflicts of interests with the decisionmakers that are currently managing this crisis.
Click the link below for interview.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
How To Deal With Vocal Vaccine Deniers
How To Deal With Vocal Vaccine Deniers
The WHO has made a handy-dandy guide on how to debate vaccine deniers. Today on #PropagandaWatch, James delves into the document and examines its ideas.
This is NEW (18Aug) Plandemic 2 - INDOCTORNATION WORLD PREMIERE (with download links)
[This is not what you might have seen before. This was released today Tuesday 18th August 2020.]
[For sure, everybody needs to watch this one. Everybody need to share this. Everybody needs to come to their own conclusion and not have decisions made for them.]
Real is proud to be exclusively livestreaming what might be the most
important documentary you will ever see: PLANDEMIC – INDOCTORNATION.
Created by
the team behind the game-changing Plandemic video segment from Mikki
Willis featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits that went viral and was banned on
every major social media platform for exposing the truth about Covid-19,
this new FEATURE LENGTH PIECE promises to be the most revelatory film on what is driving the vaccine agenda, the various roles of the WHO, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, Anthony Fauci and more.
Going deep
into what is really happening with mainstream media, Silicon Valley tech
giants, big pharma and our health protection agencies, Mikki’s new film
finally connects the dots…
… And we are excited to be able to share this with you…
We believe
that this film will fundamentally shift the discourse around
Coronavirus, the lockdown and the vested interests involved.Update: Link to view and/or download. If this link does not work, try one of the others.
The link below is from Collective Evolution's website. No email required.
Click the link below to watch from London Real's website, email required.
DO NOT POST THE LINK ABOVE (WHICH IS HOW IT APPEARS ON THE SITE) AS IT WILL BE DELETED/BLOCKED FROM FACEBOOK ETC. Instead use this link, it takes you to the same place but it is worded differently to help avoid the censorship algorithms.
Update: The link above with "movie" might also get blocked. Censorship is extremely high on this one. When you watch it you will see why.
Another link to view, no email required.
Links for download, no email required:
The first hour can be viewed from this link or download to watch in it's entirety.
Video can be viewed or downloaded from this link.
Monday, August 17, 2020
The Connection Between 5G and the Corona Virus - Robert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
The Connection Between 5G and the Corona Virus
Robert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
How is Electromagnetic Frequency(EMF)Radiation Connected to the 'Corona Effect'?
Is 5G EMF radiation poisoning harmful to humans?
Click the link below for full article.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
The More We Blame ...
[There is only one party, THEM. And their job is to divide us. As soon as you hear so-called 'truth tellers', so-called alternative media or independent journalists, or medical freedom activists including doctors .... as soon as you hear any of them (and there are a lot) saying the problem is the Democrats, or it's the Republicans etc etc, then you know they are a part of the problem. They are either shills or clowns sometimes both.]
[Think about this - the "99%" has been voting for centuries yet the "1%" ALWAYS WIN! How come?! This is their system. The Left and the Right are just the two hands of the BEAST.]
[Think about this - the "99%" has been voting for centuries yet the "1%" ALWAYS WIN! How come?! This is their system. The Left and the Right are just the two hands of the BEAST.]
Ozone found highly effective for hospitalized COVID patients.
Ozone found highly effective for hospitalized COVID patients.
PUBLISHED Breakthrough – Ozone found highly effective for hospitalized
COVID patients. It leads to “rapid” improvement in respiratory and
inflammatory parameters.
Followers of this page. I have been telling you of this since COVID began. I have treated two positive COVID patients with 10 pass ozone who got essentially total recovery of symptoms right on the treatment chair. The treatment below is rather low dose, but just look at what it did.
This “plandemic” nightmare could be over in a few weeks with the hysteria gone if medical Rulers stepped aside from patentable Pharma chemicals and vaccines, and permitted treatments that mirror and augment the body’s own defenses. Please share this FAR AND WIDE.
I have 100% confidence that what ozone therapists do could save the horror of the new childhood Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19, a syndrome the CDC is now warning parents about. Remember to follow the money trail to know what this is all about.
This study evaluated the potential efficacy of a novel approach to treat COVID-19 patients, using an oxygen-ozone (O2-O3) mixture, via a process called Oxygen-Ozone- Immunoceutical Therapy. The methodology met the criteria of a novel, promising approach to treat successfully elderly COVID-19 patients, particularly when hospitalized in intensive care units (ICUs) Experimental design: We investigated the therapeutic effect of 4 cycles of O2-O3 in 50 hospitalized COVID-19 subjects suffering from acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS), aged more than 60 years, all males and undergoing non invasive mechanical ventilation in ICUs.
Following O2-O3 treatment a significant improvement in inflammation and oxygenation indexes occurred rapidly and within the first 9 days after the treatment, despite the expected 14–20 days. A significant reduction of inflammatory and thromboembolic markers (CRP, IL-6, D-dimer) was observed. Furthermore, amelioration in the major respiratory indexes, such as respiratory and gas exchange markers (SatO2%, PaO2/FiO2 ratio), was reported.
Our results show that O2-O3 treatment would be a promising therapy for COVID-19 patients. It leads patients to a fast recovery from ARDS via the improvement of major respiratory indexes and blood gas parameters, following a relatively short time of dispensed forced ventilation (about one to two weeks). This study may encourage the scientific community to further investigate and evaluate the proposed method for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.…/artic…/pii/S1567576920314946
Followers of this page. I have been telling you of this since COVID began. I have treated two positive COVID patients with 10 pass ozone who got essentially total recovery of symptoms right on the treatment chair. The treatment below is rather low dose, but just look at what it did.
This “plandemic” nightmare could be over in a few weeks with the hysteria gone if medical Rulers stepped aside from patentable Pharma chemicals and vaccines, and permitted treatments that mirror and augment the body’s own defenses. Please share this FAR AND WIDE.
I have 100% confidence that what ozone therapists do could save the horror of the new childhood Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19, a syndrome the CDC is now warning parents about. Remember to follow the money trail to know what this is all about.
This study evaluated the potential efficacy of a novel approach to treat COVID-19 patients, using an oxygen-ozone (O2-O3) mixture, via a process called Oxygen-Ozone- Immunoceutical Therapy. The methodology met the criteria of a novel, promising approach to treat successfully elderly COVID-19 patients, particularly when hospitalized in intensive care units (ICUs) Experimental design: We investigated the therapeutic effect of 4 cycles of O2-O3 in 50 hospitalized COVID-19 subjects suffering from acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS), aged more than 60 years, all males and undergoing non invasive mechanical ventilation in ICUs.
Following O2-O3 treatment a significant improvement in inflammation and oxygenation indexes occurred rapidly and within the first 9 days after the treatment, despite the expected 14–20 days. A significant reduction of inflammatory and thromboembolic markers (CRP, IL-6, D-dimer) was observed. Furthermore, amelioration in the major respiratory indexes, such as respiratory and gas exchange markers (SatO2%, PaO2/FiO2 ratio), was reported.
Our results show that O2-O3 treatment would be a promising therapy for COVID-19 patients. It leads patients to a fast recovery from ARDS via the improvement of major respiratory indexes and blood gas parameters, following a relatively short time of dispensed forced ventilation (about one to two weeks). This study may encourage the scientific community to further investigate and evaluate the proposed method for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.…/artic…/pii/S1567576920314946
IEEE Promotes Smart Devices for Utility Data Collection and Usage Regulation Despite Problems with Smart Meters
IEEE Promotes Smart Devices for Utility Data Collection and Usage Regulation Despite Problems with Smart Meters
By B.N. Frank
Utilities have been installing “Smart” Grids for several years now. These grids include the installation of 2-way transmitting “Smart” Meters which have been highly problematic. In 2012, IEEE acknowledged that smart meter opposition was increasing due to the many issues associated with these meters.Click the link for article.
TED Talk On How Your Smart Devices Know and Share Everything About You — Everything
TED Talk On How Your Smart Devices Know and Share Everything About You — Everything
By B.N. Frank
All wireless “Smart” devices collect data often without users knowledge or consent while simultaneously emitting harmful electromagnetic radiation which can make people and animals sick (see 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8) AND increase their cancer risk (see 1. 2. 3, 4). More details about data collection from “Smart” and WiFi-enabled products by 2 tech experts.Click the link for article.
Report: Government Tracking Software Inside Hundreds of Mobile Phone Apps
Report: Government Tracking Software Inside Hundreds of Mobile Phone Apps
By B.N. Frank
Bad news alert: there are lawsuits and recalls on several cell phone models due to illegally high levels of radiation (see 1, 2, 3) AND an investigation uncovered that government tracking software was installed in hundreds of mobile apps.Click the link for the article.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Did Dr. Fauci Know COV*D-19 Was Coming?
Did Dr. Fauci Know COV*D-19 Was Coming?
In a series of strange events, it appears that Dr. Fauci may have known COV*D-19 was coming, or at least some sort of "pandem*c"
Disney confirms its first bisexual lead character, who is also multi-cultural
Disney confirms its first bisexual lead character, who is also multi-cultural
[This will be a 14 year old cartoon character. This is what programming looks like.]
Click the link below for article.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Sweden Resists COVID Hysteria: No Lockdowns, No Masks, No Vaccine, No Problem by Jordan Schachtel
Sweden Resists COVID Hysteria: No Lockdowns, No Masks, No Vaccine, No Problem
Sweden’s Success is Kryptonite for Lockdown and Mask Advocates
Their long term strategy is working.
Click the link below for article.
Florida sheriff orders deputies not to wear masks, bans civilians in masks from office By David K. Li and Ben Kesslen
Florida sheriff orders deputies not to wear masks, bans civilians in masks from office
"Now, I can already hear the whining and just so you know I did not make this decision easily," Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods said in a memo to staff.
Click the link below for article.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Will the Rise of Sex Robots Mean the End of Relationships?
Will the Rise of Sex Robots Mean the End of Relationships?
Sex robots are on the horizon. And this might be a problem.
Click the link below for full article.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
It Just A Precursor For What Is Actually Coming ! Max Igan
It Just A Precursor For What Is Actually Coming ! Max Igan
Here's Why You Need to Get OFF Their Grid...
Here's Why You Need to Get OFF Their Grid...
61.8K subscribers
Here's Why You Need to Get OFF Their Grid...
Derrick Broze checks in for a very important update on how the state is already using COVID19 compliance measure to take away people's power. This is the social engineering coming to light.
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Yale Study To Manipulate Americans Into Taking C0VlD Vaccine
Yale Study To Manipulate Americans Into Taking C0VlD Vaccine
Yale University is conducting a study to figure out how to best create effect "messaging" in order to convince Americans to take the upcoming C0VlD vaccine. In reality, their methods are nothing short of manipulation. We break them down in detail. Check out our NEW Free Speech Platform https://ISE.Media
Monday, August 10, 2020
David Icke Interview: Bill Gates, Elon Musk & Soros Are Frontmen For The Top of the Pyramid - Spiro Skouras
David Icke Interview: Bill Gates, Elon Musk & Soros Are Frontmen For The Top of the Pyramid - Spiro Skouras
In this exclusive interview, Spiro is joined by David Icke. Spiro and David discuss the ongoing coronavirus crisis. David explains how the public is being manipulated by the system in perhaps the greatest psychological operation in history, as medical and government officials admit the numbers have been inflated. The official projected coronavirus numbers disseminated by the establishment to the public, which were used to justify the lockdowns, were based on controversial and inaccurate computer models funded by Bill Gates. In this must see interview, David Icke and Spiro examine the events leading up to this current crisis, including the shutdown of the US military Bioweapons program Fort Detrick, to the world military games in Wuhan China (the alleged ground zero of the outbreak) to Event 201 and much more. In this report, David Icke lays out the entire scenario piecing together the puzzle, leading up to present day and projecting ahead while not only exposing the frontmen for this global operation, but exposing who is at the very top of the pyramid, and its not Bill Gates...
David Icke’s Website
David Icke Ickonic
David Icke’s Youtube
David Icke’s Twitter
Coronavirus: Ofcom formally probes David Icke TV interview
Coronavirus: YouTube tightens rules after David Icke 5G interview
Regulator Ofcom to have more powers over UK social media
UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus theories
Feds classifying all coronavirus patient deaths as ‘COVID-19’ deaths, regardless of cause
Outrageous! Dr. Birx Went All-In on Bill Gates-Funded Coronavirus Model – Sits on Gates-Funded Foundation Board
Nearly 10k Military Personnel From 110 Nations In Wuhan China Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak!
Army germ lab shut down by CDC in 2019 had several 'serious' protocol violations that year
CDC Lifts Shutdown Order on Army Biolabs at Fort Detrick
REVEALED: U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab at center of coronavirus leak scrutiny that was performing experiments on bats from the caves where the disease is believed to have originated
World Health Organization Cautions Against Cash Usage
In this exclusive interview, Spiro is joined by David Icke. Spiro and David discuss the ongoing coronavirus crisis. David explains how the public is being manipulated by the system in perhaps the greatest psychological operation in history, as medical and government officials admit the numbers have been inflated. The official projected coronavirus numbers disseminated by the establishment to the public, which were used to justify the lockdowns, were based on controversial and inaccurate computer models funded by Bill Gates. In this must see interview, David Icke and Spiro examine the events leading up to this current crisis, including the shutdown of the US military Bioweapons program Fort Detrick, to the world military games in Wuhan China (the alleged ground zero of the outbreak) to Event 201 and much more. In this report, David Icke lays out the entire scenario piecing together the puzzle, leading up to present day and projecting ahead while not only exposing the frontmen for this global operation, but exposing who is at the very top of the pyramid, and its not Bill Gates...
Macy’s Sued for Using Facial Recognition and Violating Biometric Privacy with Clearview AI By B.N. Frank
Macy’s Sued for Using Facial Recognition and Violating Biometric Privacy with Clearview AI
By B.N. Frank
Illinois has a state law that protects residents’ biometric information. Five years ago a federal lawsuit was filed against Facebook for violating this law by using Facial Recognition technology in its “tag suggestion” services. The company recently offered $650M to settle it. Now Macy’s is being sued for similar violations.
Click the link below for full article and video(s).
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