A listener writes in to ask about the economic crash we're about to experience. Will there be bank bailouts like in the 2008 crisis, or bank bail-ins as we've seen the banksters preparing for? Or will this be a different type of crash altogether? Join James for this exploration of the global banking architecture and how the banksters have been scheming to pick your pocket the next time they're in trouble.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
San Francisco Karen Loses Business Contract After Bothering Man For Painting BLM On His Property
San Francisco Karen Loses Business Contract After Bothering Man For Painting BLM On His Property
Karen and her husband lost money after this encounter. Maybe she should leave people alone next time.
[Serves them right. Of course this only happened because of the current situation, which is all a farce, but none the less serves them right. Even if a person wanted to side with these people, they would have no leg to stand on, the woman claimed she knows who lives there. That was a bare faced lie! And at no point in her little barbie head did it occur to her that that man could be the one that lived there. Why? Because she's a .... racist. And so is her husband. Incidents like this happen everyday, all day, all over America.]
Why So Many Black People In The U.S. Can't Swim
Why So Many Black People In The U.S. Can't Swim
In the United States, 64% of Black children can’t swim. As a result, they are 3x more likely to drown than white children their same age. But how did this happen? We take a look at the social history of America’s pools and how racial segregation shaped the current climate in pools across the country.
The Largest Slave Rebellion Was Hidden From U.S. History
The Largest Slave Rebellion Was Hidden From U.S. History
The largest slave revolt in U.S. history happened outside New Orleans and you’ve probably never learned about it. Here’s why.
Ukrainian Karen Calls 911 On Sista For Sitting Down On A Bench In Her Own Neighborhood
Ukrainian Karen Calls 911 On Sista For Sitting Down On A Bench In Her Own Neighborhood
Svitlana Fome called 911 after walking up to a Sista demanding to know why she were there. Svitlana proceeded to call 911 and make up false statements to escalate the situation. I hope people understand why you're seeing uprisings all over America.
Karen Blocks Brothas From Leaving Mercedes Benz Dealership Claiming "They Don't Belong There"
Karen Blocks Brothas From Leaving Mercedes Benz Dealership Claiming "They Don't Belong There"
Hosted by Phillip Scott
Monday, June 29, 2020
Sunday, June 28, 2020
NATO 2030: Global Domination or Bust by James Corbett June 27, 2020
NATO 2030: Global Domination or Bust
by James Corbett
June 27, 2020
It's like something out of a comic book.
Speaking from his billion-dollar headquarter fortress, the
Overlord of the dreaded military alliance, S.N.A.K.E. (Supreme Nasty
Alliance for Killing Everyone) delivered his starkest threat yet,
declaring a "S.N.A.K.E. 2030" vision that would see the organization
ruling supreme over the planet in the next 10 years. "All challengers
will be destroyed!" he brayed over the video uplink as the world cowered
in terror.
If this were a comic book story, this is the point where the
valiant fighters of the F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Alliance would swoop in and
capture the Overlord, defeating his robot army in the process.
Sadly, this is not a comic book story, it's a very real one; and
we're not dealing with S.N.A.K.E. but NATO, a very non-fictional
military alliance that has just put forward its vision for NATO 2030—a
vision that threatens to realize NATO's quest for total global
So let's roll up our sleeves and go over the details, shall we?
Click the link below for full article.
Social Credit Scores Are Already Here 27 Jun 2020 Posted by Derrick Broze
Social Credit Scores Are Already Here
27 Jun 2020
Posted by Derrick Broze
People around the world are already being judged and denied access to financial services because of their social media data — and they don’t even realize it.
Click the link below for full article.
Here's an example of what deep institutionalized racism look like .. it's blatant
Here's an example of what deep institutionalized racism look like .. it's blatant.
This concerns the badge worn by the Governor General of Jamaica.
This concerns the badge worn by the Governor General of Jamaica.
What is the role of the governor general?
It is the governor general
who summons Parliament, sets out the government's program by reading
the Speech from the Throne (Queen of England), and gives Royal Assent which makes Acts of
Parliament law. The governor general signs official documents and meets regularly with the prime minister (same as President) and government officials.
10 Items to Buy Before a Great Depression
10 Items to Buy Before a Great Depression
364K subscribers
With the possibility of a Great Depression on the horizon, what should you consider purchasing now while you can? One item discussed in this video, precious metals ( presents an opportunity to harbor some of your finances as a hedge against hyperinflation.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Why I no longer promote any material put out by Dr. Rashid Buttar
Why I no longer promote any material put out by Dr. Rashid Buttar
I have not posted any videos by Dr Rashid Buttar for months now, even though he is constantly posting videos.
When all this covid 'stuff' started Buttar was on of the first to challenge the narrative AND he did so by providing links, videos etc, as compared to Jon Rappaport for instance who just stated his opinions. And since I was already familiar with Buttar and his work to 'correct' autism etc, I had no issue posting his initial video series.
However, as mentioned, I was familiar with Buttar, and I had noticed some issues with his personality before all this started. Yes he is arrogant, he is an egomaniac (like most of these doctors are) but there were other issues with him. He seems solid in his knowledge and experience on the medical front but anything else and he's just whack.
Right now he is nothing more than a campaigner for Trump. Anyone who is selling either party instead of telling the truth that all these politicians are in the same club, the same cult, the same cabal, is dangerous to the public. Buttar is dangerous to the truth movement. And I can give a few examples.
I have heard people saying they don't believe Dr Judy Mikovitz because they don't believe she was locked up for 5 years without any charges. So because of this point they don't believe anything she said/says. Well she was not locked up for 5 years without any charges, and she never said she was. She was locked up for 5 days without any charges and that is what she has always said and even wrote in her book. Dr Rashid Buttar was the one who said the nonsense about 5 years in a video he put out and many people have watched that.
Another thing that Buttar put out there that I have heard other people talking about, like a woman in Florida at a city council meeting, is that the reason for the six feet apart rule is a military tactic so that they can track people. The claim is that tracking doesn't work if people are too close to each other. Another load of garbage put out by who, Dr Buttar. If 10 people were standing on top of each other they could very easily be tracked, the 'system' could use cell phone alone to know exactly who is where. This is just more shit that Buttar has put out there. I find him to be an unstable individual.
Buttar also started this thing where he wants military, law enforcement to sign a list. And also attorneys etc to join his list. And he plans to address, direct them accordingly. Really, what an easy way to get put on a gov't kill list. No way would I put my name on such a list. Who is keeping this list? How secure will this information be? (Buttar is not tech savvy so he's not the one maintaining this list). The man is dangerous. His information hurts the truth movement, he hurts the movement. Something is very off about Buttar.
In the same token, there is a reason why I don't post anything by Alex Jones (when this blog first started 10 years ago I did), or Mike Adams, or many others. Because they are total shills, and quite often they add to the hysteria. They put out a lot of garbage, while sometimes putting out truth. This is how they work. This is how they catch people out, and gain the trust of people. Then they lead them over the edge of a cliff.
Question every single source. Trust none of them.
Think for yourself, and Check everything yourself.
I have not posted any videos by Dr Rashid Buttar for months now, even though he is constantly posting videos.
When all this covid 'stuff' started Buttar was on of the first to challenge the narrative AND he did so by providing links, videos etc, as compared to Jon Rappaport for instance who just stated his opinions. And since I was already familiar with Buttar and his work to 'correct' autism etc, I had no issue posting his initial video series.
However, as mentioned, I was familiar with Buttar, and I had noticed some issues with his personality before all this started. Yes he is arrogant, he is an egomaniac (like most of these doctors are) but there were other issues with him. He seems solid in his knowledge and experience on the medical front but anything else and he's just whack.
Right now he is nothing more than a campaigner for Trump. Anyone who is selling either party instead of telling the truth that all these politicians are in the same club, the same cult, the same cabal, is dangerous to the public. Buttar is dangerous to the truth movement. And I can give a few examples.
I have heard people saying they don't believe Dr Judy Mikovitz because they don't believe she was locked up for 5 years without any charges. So because of this point they don't believe anything she said/says. Well she was not locked up for 5 years without any charges, and she never said she was. She was locked up for 5 days without any charges and that is what she has always said and even wrote in her book. Dr Rashid Buttar was the one who said the nonsense about 5 years in a video he put out and many people have watched that.
Another thing that Buttar put out there that I have heard other people talking about, like a woman in Florida at a city council meeting, is that the reason for the six feet apart rule is a military tactic so that they can track people. The claim is that tracking doesn't work if people are too close to each other. Another load of garbage put out by who, Dr Buttar. If 10 people were standing on top of each other they could very easily be tracked, the 'system' could use cell phone alone to know exactly who is where. This is just more shit that Buttar has put out there. I find him to be an unstable individual.
Buttar also started this thing where he wants military, law enforcement to sign a list. And also attorneys etc to join his list. And he plans to address, direct them accordingly. Really, what an easy way to get put on a gov't kill list. No way would I put my name on such a list. Who is keeping this list? How secure will this information be? (Buttar is not tech savvy so he's not the one maintaining this list). The man is dangerous. His information hurts the truth movement, he hurts the movement. Something is very off about Buttar.
In the same token, there is a reason why I don't post anything by Alex Jones (when this blog first started 10 years ago I did), or Mike Adams, or many others. Because they are total shills, and quite often they add to the hysteria. They put out a lot of garbage, while sometimes putting out truth. This is how they work. This is how they catch people out, and gain the trust of people. Then they lead them over the edge of a cliff.
Question every single source. Trust none of them.
Think for yourself, and Check everything yourself.
Looking Forward to the End of Humanity
Looking Forward to the End of Humanity
Why is the Wall Street Journal looking forward to the end of humanity? And what does that say about the technocratic future that we're being steered into? Join James for today's edition of #PropagandaWatch where he discusses the transhuman agenda that is being pushed on the back of the new biosecurity paradigm.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Things are heating up in Ventura, California! And California in General! (2mins 9 secs)
Things are heating up in Ventura, California! And California in General! (2mins 9 secs)
[I've already posted about how the California governor signed a huge contract with a Chinese company for masks. I've also posted how the largest firms, i.e. investment companies, banks, etc, have invested heavily in 3M who is a major manufacturer of masks.]
[Even the small county where I currently reside, which had no mandatory mask requirements during this entire "event", now wants to implement mandatory masks. Why? More like who just got paid?!]
[I've already posted about how the California governor signed a huge contract with a Chinese company for masks. I've also posted how the largest firms, i.e. investment companies, banks, etc, have invested heavily in 3M who is a major manufacturer of masks.]
[Even the small county where I currently reside, which had no mandatory mask requirements during this entire "event", now wants to implement mandatory masks. Why? More like who just got paid?!]
'I'm leaving and I'm just not coming back': Fed up with racism, Black Americans head overseas
'I'm leaving and I'm just not coming back': Fed up with racism, Black Americans head overseas
Anthony Baggette knew the precise moment he had to
get out: He was driving by a convenience store in Cincinnati when a
police officer pulled him over. There had been a robbery. He fit the
description given by the store's clerk: a Black man.
Ọbádélé Kambon knew: He was arrested in Chicago and accused by
police of concealing a loaded gun under a seat in his car. He did have a
gun. But it was not loaded. He used it in his role teaching at an
outdoor skills camp for inner-city kids. Kambon also had a license. The
gun was kept safely in the car's trunk.
Drayton knew: Her family kept getting priced out of gentrifying
neighborhoods in New Jersey. She felt they were destined to be forever
displaced in the USA. Then Trayvon Martin was shot and killed after buying a bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea.
Click the link below for full article.
Eco-genocide and the Genetically Engineered Mosquito Army Posted by Whitney Webb & Raul Diego
Eco-genocide and the Genetically Engineered Mosquito Army
Posted by Whitney Webb & Raul Diego
The enemies of life are breeding their own agents of ecological destruction aided and abetted by an incompetent EPA and a rubber-stamp government in Florida, which just gave unanimous approval for the release of hundreds of millions of genetically modified mosquitoes by a company with deep ties to Bill Gates, the US military, and Big Ag.
Click the link below for full article.
An 8-year-old girl, her mother and her grandfather drown in their new home's swimming pool [What wasn't mentioned?]
An 8-year-old girl, her mother and her grandfather drown in their new home's swimming pool
[Now, before you read anything or watch the very short video, doesn't this sound strange to you?? Three people died in a pool, a child and two adults, just drowned?!! Really?!]
[Here is what is NOT mentioned - "Nisha Patel was the US Program officer at the Bill Gates Foundation. She oversaw 17 BILLION in Federal Grants & budget spending." (Interesting how none of that is mentioned in the CNN article). Hmmm, what about now, does anything about this sound suspicious?]
Click the link for the article.
Who Is Funding Black Lives Matter And Why? The Answer May Shock You!
Who Is Funding Black Lives Matter And Why? The Answer May Shock You!
[The answer may shock most people but not those of who have been paying attention and thus have known this for a while.]
Black Lives Matter has been dominating the headlines for weeks and there has been a lot of speculation regarding the funding of this organization with many fingers quick to point at George Soros. So the million dollar question is… Did George Soros fund Black Lives Matter? Yes, he absolutely did and we share the details in this report. But George Soros is not the only source of funding for Black Lives Matter, in fact, Soros and his funding, is just another spoke in the wheel of a massive, well financed and politically motivated campaign with the desired goal of transforming the world by destroying the current system of control in, order to roll out a new system of control. This certainly seems like a reoccurring theme right now, as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Central Banks and Governments around the world are preparing for the ‘Great Reset’ and a global paradigm shift. So let examine who exactly is funding Black Lives Matter and why?
The Dancing Israelis and the Mainstream Media Lackey
The Dancing Israelis and the Mainstream Media Lackey
9/11 and The Five Dancing Israelis (featuring Mike Cernovich)
The Five Dancing Israelis on 9/11
911 The Dancing Israelis
Thursday, June 25, 2020
We Are Witnessing A Nightmarish Technocratic Reengineering Of Our Lives Under The Guise Of COVID-19
We Are Witnessing A Nightmarish Technocratic Reengineering Of Our Lives Under The Guise Of COVID-19
The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine
The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine
By Catherine Austin FittsI am not a scientist. I am not a doctor. I am not a biotech engineer. I am not an attorney. However, I read, listen, appreciate, and try to understand those who are.
I was an investment banker until politics made it impossible to continue to practice my art. I was trained as a portfolio strategist—so I map my world by watching the financial flows and allocation of resources. I was also trained as a conspiracy generator and foot soldier—conspiracies being the fundamental organizing principle of how things get done in our world. It was not until I left the establishment that I learned that those not in the club had been trained to disparage and avoid conspiracies—a clever trick that sabotages their efforts to gather power.
My response to living at war with agencies of the U.S. government for a time was to answer the questions of people who were sufficiently courageous and curious to solicit my opinion. Over many years, that response transformed into two businesses. One was The Solari Report, which continues to grow as a global intelligence network—we seek to help each other understand and navigate what is happening and contribute to positive outcomes. The other was serving as an investment advisor to individuals and families through Solari Investment Advisory Services. After ten years, I converted that business to doing an ESG screen. What those who use it want—that is not otherwise readily available in the retail market—is a screen that reflects knowledge of financial and political corruption. Tracking the metastasizing corruption is an art, not a science.
Click the link below for full article.
Bloomberg Drops a Bombshell on the Fed’s Big Bank Stress Tests Set for Release Today
Bloomberg Drops a Bombshell on the Fed’s Big Bank Stress Tests Set for Release Today
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: June 25, 2020 ~The Federal Reserve will release the results of its stress tests on the biggest and most dangerous banks at 4:30 p.m. today. But the potential results of those tests played a negative role in the stock market’s performance yesterday.
The Dow’s drop of 710 points yesterday can be ascribed to two things: the alarming news reports that COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing in the second and third most populous states in the U.S. – Texas and Florida; and a bombshell report from Bloomberg News released at 7:00 a.m. yesterday morning.
The Bloomberg article, by Lisa Lee and Shahien Nasiripour, cast the Federal Reserve in an unfavorable light over its failure to halt dividend payments at the biggest Wall Street banks, something that European bank regulators have done during the pandemic crisis. Eight of the largest U.S. banks announced in unison on Sunday, March 15, that they would halt share buybacks through the first and second quarter, but they’ve continued to pay cash dividends to shareholders, whittling away critical capital that could serve the struggling U.S. economy far better as loans to consumers and businesses. (Two-thirds of U.S. GDP consists of consumer spending.)
Click the link below for full article.
Refuse To Social Distance? New Study Says You May Be A Psychopath!
Refuse To Social Distance? New Study Says You May Be A Psychopath!
Are you tired of social distancing? Tired of the lockdowns? Do you find yourself wishing things would just go back to normal like they were in 2019 when we were all just regular debt slaves to the central banks? Well then you just might be a psychopath. That’s right according to a brand new peer reviewed study published on May 31st 2020 people who ignore the new normal protocols like social distancing display certain antagonistic personality traits. Luckily, These traits have been identified and they are called the dark triad. It appears we are fast approaching a time when opposing the establishment and questioning the government will be considered a mental disorder.
116K subscribers
Forces are working to take total control of every drop of oil extracted from the ground, every fish caught from the sea, and every last bean harvested. It requires an immense technical infrastructure comprising 5G, blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence. This infrastructure has been built and is now being deployed, and we must understand that it is -- in the very words of the Department of Defense -- an AI weapons system. And that system is going live NOW. Christian breaks it down.
SUBSCRIBE on bitchute:
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Here's why Bill Gates Wants Indemnity (which he has already gotten from the USA and will get from the gov't of the other countries)
Why Bill Gates Wants Indemnity
Are you aware of the risks?
Are you fully informed?
Are you willing to take the risk?
If vaccines are so safe and effective, why would anyone (any company or entity) need indemnity (immunity from lawsuits, prosecution, etc)?
Note: You do know that a Vaccine Court was set up years ago, after vaccine makers demanded and were granted immunity from lawsuits/prosecution for any deaths/damage caused by vaccines. And to date they have paid out $Billions in compensation. You are aware of all this, correct? So they have long been aware that vaccines are NOT "safe and effective". "Safe and effective" is no more than a marketing slogan.
Click the link below for 6 minute video.
New CDC & WHO Info Suggests COVID Substantially Less Dangerous Than Flu, Yet Restrictions Continue
New CDC & WHO Info Suggests COVID Substantially Less Dangerous Than Flu, Yet Restrictions Continue
Another New Study Points to the Dangers of Geoengineering the Climate
Another New Study Points to the Dangers of Geoengineering the Climate
23 Jun 2020
Posted by Derrick Broze
A recently published study from MIT casts doubt on the safety of the science of geoengineering and outlines potential dangers of the controversial field.
A new study from Massachusetts Institute of Technology is adding to the growing list of concerns around the controversial science of geoengineering. Researchers have found that geoengineering techniques could significantly change extratropical storms and introduce changes to the climate.Click the link below for full article.
[The title of this video is] We're targeted for termination... [This is either more crazy talk or this guy has compelling evidence. Watch the short video.]
We're targeted for termination...
[Of course the entire site could be an elaborate hoax?? Yet it doesn't seem so. This is military equipment and aircraft site, which has been around. They don't do "conspiracies", they do forecast for business.]
[This video shows a military site which has forecasted population figures for the year 2025 (so not that far away!). This site shows some dramatic population DECREASE, yes decrease, as in reduction. Supposedly somewhere on the site it is explained that the reduction from countries like the U.S. and the U.K. will be due to migration. I didn't see where it said that and I didn't search for it. Because that's a waste of time. There is no way that in less than 5 years, 200 million people are going to migrate out of America. To go where?! And further, the reason I did not look for this migration nonsense is because the site clearly shows the world population in 2017 was 7.4 billion, and it forecasts the population in 2025 to be 6.9 billion. So where did the 500 million people migrate to? Mars??]
[Note: It is not lost on me that the person in the video is a blatant racist.]
These are the sources listed by the site.
"Sources: US Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, World Bank and European Union."
The link that follows is to the actual website.
This next link is to the video on youtube but since it may get deleted I've uploaded the video in 360 non HD.
The site shows the forecast for countries around the world but I've taken a screenshot of the U.S. forecast in case the site gets taken down or that info gets removed. See below.
Here is the video in 360 non HD.
[Of course the entire site could be an elaborate hoax?? Yet it doesn't seem so. This is military equipment and aircraft site, which has been around. They don't do "conspiracies", they do forecast for business.]
[This video shows a military site which has forecasted population figures for the year 2025 (so not that far away!). This site shows some dramatic population DECREASE, yes decrease, as in reduction. Supposedly somewhere on the site it is explained that the reduction from countries like the U.S. and the U.K. will be due to migration. I didn't see where it said that and I didn't search for it. Because that's a waste of time. There is no way that in less than 5 years, 200 million people are going to migrate out of America. To go where?! And further, the reason I did not look for this migration nonsense is because the site clearly shows the world population in 2017 was 7.4 billion, and it forecasts the population in 2025 to be 6.9 billion. So where did the 500 million people migrate to? Mars??]
[Note: It is not lost on me that the person in the video is a blatant racist.]
These are the sources listed by the site.
"Sources: US Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, World Bank and European Union."
The link that follows is to the actual website.
This next link is to the video on youtube but since it may get deleted I've uploaded the video in 360 non HD.
The site shows the forecast for countries around the world but I've taken a screenshot of the U.S. forecast in case the site gets taken down or that info gets removed. See below.
Here is the video in 360 non HD.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Business owner called police to report a robbery .. the police (3) show up, break his jaw, arrests him ... why??
Business owner called police to report a robbery .. the police (3) show up, break his jaw, arrests him ... why?? This is simple, they hear robbery, they show up, they see "black", a black man and nothing else registered in their brain except he MUST be the thief. Worse he had a weapon ... watch the video.
Now some may say there must be more to it than that, nope, I remember once I had a kiosk in a mall in South Florida (there was no police involvement but this showed me how people think).
An older white guy was a distributor for the same product as myself and he came along and asked if he could come in and promote etc. I generously allowed him, he was not paying me, wasn't paying anything, most people would have told him no and they would have had every right to do so.
Here is the point of the story, every single person that came along assumed he owned the 'business' and I worked for him (again he was an older white guy, me a young black man). Even when I said no this is my kiosk, I am paying the rent on this, my name is the only one on the contract, they would still turn to him. Even when HE said no he's not the proprietor here, they would just say "yeah right" or just shake their heads and walk off (a lot of salespeople came into the mall to try to sell to vendors).
People form an immediate opinion and it does not matter what you or anyone says, especially in that moment.
COPS do this everyday with black people! It's nothing new. This black business owner could have easily been shot dead. That also would have been nothing new.
Click the link below to watch the short video clip.
Now some may say there must be more to it than that, nope, I remember once I had a kiosk in a mall in South Florida (there was no police involvement but this showed me how people think).
An older white guy was a distributor for the same product as myself and he came along and asked if he could come in and promote etc. I generously allowed him, he was not paying me, wasn't paying anything, most people would have told him no and they would have had every right to do so.
Here is the point of the story, every single person that came along assumed he owned the 'business' and I worked for him (again he was an older white guy, me a young black man). Even when I said no this is my kiosk, I am paying the rent on this, my name is the only one on the contract, they would still turn to him. Even when HE said no he's not the proprietor here, they would just say "yeah right" or just shake their heads and walk off (a lot of salespeople came into the mall to try to sell to vendors).
People form an immediate opinion and it does not matter what you or anyone says, especially in that moment.
COPS do this everyday with black people! It's nothing new. This black business owner could have easily been shot dead. That also would have been nothing new.
Click the link below to watch the short video clip.
What is going on here with Melinda Gates's face?
What is going on here with Melinda Gates's face?
It looks like she had a stroke, or a reaction to something, or?
It looks like she had a stroke, or a reaction to something, or?
Fact Check: Polio Vaccines, Tetanus Vaccines, and the Gates Foundation
Fact Check: Polio Vaccines, Tetanus Vaccines, and the Gates Foundation
A listener writes in to lament that The Corbett Report is spreading false facts about Bill Gates in the Who Is Bill Gates? documentary . . . at least, according to the fact checkers. But are they right? Don't miss today's important edition of the Fact Check series where James teaches a master class in how to examine a "fact check" and how to tell whether a claim is supported by the evidence or not.
Below is the link for James Corbett's (full) documentary "Who Is Bill Gates".
This link is also to the documentary but in four (4) parts. All four links to each episode are on the page below.
Let’s fact-check Reuters: they say DNA vaccines don’t change your genetic makeup—true or false? Jun 23 by Jon Rappoport
Let’s fact-check Reuters: they say DNA vaccines don’t change your genetic makeup—true or false?
by Jon Rappoport
As my readers know, I’ve been reporting on new types of technology
that could be used in a coming COVID-19 vaccine—and warning about the
One such technology is: DNA vaccines. They would alter recipients’ genetic makeup permanently.
But Reuters has seen fit to claim: “A future COVID-19 [DNA] vaccine will not genetically modify humans.” This comes from their “fact-check team” — May 18, 2020: “False claim: A COVID-19 vaccine will genetically modify humans.”
Click the link below for full article.
One such technology is: DNA vaccines. They would alter recipients’ genetic makeup permanently.
But Reuters has seen fit to claim: “A future COVID-19 [DNA] vaccine will not genetically modify humans.” This comes from their “fact-check team” — May 18, 2020: “False claim: A COVID-19 vaccine will genetically modify humans.”
Click the link below for full article.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Fact Check: How Invasive Are Contact Tracing Apps?
Fact Check: How Invasive Are Contact Tracing Apps?
Journalist Derrick Broze breaks down the truth about those recent updates to iPhone and Android.
How to Talk to Someone Who’s Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation [It's so easy to train the masses]
How to Talk to Someone Who’s Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation
In April, the CBC released a guide on "How to respond when someone tells you coronavirus was lab made." This is The Corbett Report's response. Find out more about "Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers" in the latest edition of The Corbett Report podcast:
How To Check If Your iPhone [or Android] Is Secretly A Coronavirus Tracker
How To Check If Your iPhone [or Android] Is Secretly A Coronavirus Tracker
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Was Canadian Mass Shooting That Led to Instant Gun Control Laws a False Flag?
Was Canadian Mass Shooting That Led to Instant Gun Control Laws a False Flag?
By Dan DicksThe withdrawal of $475,000 in cash by the man who killed 22 Nova Scotians in April matches the method the RCMP uses to send money to confidential informants and agents, sources say.
Gabriel Wortman, who is responsible for the largest mass killing in Canadian history, withdrew the money from a Brink’s depot in Dartmouth, N.S., on March 30, stashing a carryall filled with hundred-dollar bills in the trunk of his car. About 3 weeks later he was killed by police after carrying out the largest mass shooting in Canadian history.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down the claims being made by Macleans about the shooters involvement with the RCMP while showing some past examples of how the RCMP have been caught red handed doing these things before which suggests the very real possibility that the Nova Scotia shooting was a false flag operation designed to enforce strict gun control laws.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans
Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans
In this interview, Dr. Andrew Kaufman joins Spiro for a second time. The first time Dr. Kaufman joined Spiro, they talked about topics that apparently, nobody is allowed to talk about, if you dare question the official story that is.
Speight of Black Men Found Hanged Sparks Fears of Wave of Racist Terror by Alan Macleod
Speight of Black Men Found Hanged Sparks Fears of Wave of Racist Terror
Click the link below for full article.
BlackRock Is Heavily Invested In 3M (Masks) & The Rockefeller-Funded COVID Predictive Tracking Ring
BlackRock Is Heavily Invested In 3M (Masks) & The Rockefeller-Funded COVID Predictive Tracking Ring
Friday, June 19, 2020
[Who FUNDS the Fact Checkers?] Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?
Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?
We've all come across online fact checkers that purport to warn us away from independent media sites under the guise of protecting us from fake news. But who is behind these fact check sites? How do they operate? And if these ham-fisted attempts at soft censorship aren't the solution to online misinformation, what is? Join James for this week's important edition of The Corbett Report podcast, where we explore the murky world of information gatekeeping and ask "Who will fact check the fact checkers?"
NO GOVERNOR CAN ORDER YOU TO WEAR A MASK -- The Healthy American, Peggy Hall
NO GOVERNOR CAN ORDER YOU TO WEAR A MASK -- The Healthy American, Peggy Hall
INTERNATIONAL APPEAL Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Click the link below.
Globalists Reveal That The “Great Economic Reset” Is Coming In 2021 Brandon Smith
Globalists Reveal That The “Great Economic Reset” Is Coming In 2021 Brandon Smith
For those not familiar with the phrase “global economic reset”, it is one that has been used ever increasingly by elitists in the central banking world for several years. I first heard it referenced by Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF at the time, in 2014. The reset is often mentioned in the same breath as ideas like “the New Multilateralism” or “the Multipolar World Order” or “the New World Order”. All of these phrases mean essentially the same thing.The reset is promoted as a solution to the ongoing economic crisis which was triggered in 2008. This same financial crash is still with us today, but now, after a decade of central bank money printing and debt creation, the bubble is even bigger than it was before. As always, the central bank “cure” is far worse than the disease, and the renewed crash we face today is far more deadly than what would have happened in 2008 if we had simply taken our medicine and refused to prop up weak parts of the economy artificially.
Click the link below for full article.
Caught on video: Black child playing basketball alone hides in fear when he sees police drive by
Caught on video: Black child playing basketball alone hides in fear when he sees police drive by
The Story of Frank Embree, A Black Man Falsely Accused of Rape, Was Lynched in 1899 and His Gory Photos Used for Postcards
The Story of Frank Embree, A Black Man Falsely Accused of Rape, Was Lynched in 1899 and His Gory Photos Used for Postcards
[This is the true face of America. This is not just something in the past. This is what many Americans want to see again. They say they want America to be great again.]
" According to a reporter’s account which was not added to the newspaper details about his capture and death, Frank Embree was castrated and made to eat parts of his manhood before he was finally led to an oak tree to be hanged."
" Images of his lynching and hanging were made into postcards for the white community to celebrate his death and his story which was told over and over again among the white community."
Click the link below for full article (which contains more images).
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Second Wave Panic Explodes Across the Globe
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
The Weird DARPA/Facebook "Coincidence" You Never Heard About
The Weird DARPA/Facebook "Coincidence" You Never Heard About
Ever hear about "Lifelog?" You know, the DARPA project to create an automatically updated, itemized, organized, electronic list of every interaction you have, every event you attend, every place you go and everything you do? The project that was announced as canceled the very same day Facebook launched? Well, neither had I? In today's Thought for the Day we explore the Lifelog/Facebook "coincidence" and what it tells us about our wired world.
WATCH: Man threatens to have Black teens arrested in front of their own house because they ‘don’t belong’ in the neighborhood
WATCH: Man threatens to have Black teens arrested in front of their own house because they ‘don’t belong’ in the neighborhood
OSHA SAYS MASKS DON'T WORK -- AND VIOLATE OSHA OXYGEN LEVELS (proof in video) -- The Healthy American, Peggy Hall
OSHA SAYS MASKS DON'T WORK -- AND VIOLATE OSHA OXYGEN LEVELS -- The Healthy American, Peggy Hall (13 minutes)
50 Million Americans May Die This Fall From Taking Vaccines
50 Million Americans May Die This Fall From Taking Vaccines
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
The BlackRock Take Over Of America, Brought To You By COVID-19
The BlackRock Take Over Of America, Brought To You By COVID-19
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